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When the sliding bearing is fixed only at the top of the middle column of the underground structure, the cracks at the side end of the middle plate should be aggravated while the seismic damage of the mid-column should be alleviated. To enhance the seismic performance of the mid-plate, a new isolation design method has been mentioned while the elastic sliding bearings are set at the top of the mid-columns and between the side end of the mid-plate and the side wall at the same time. By establishing a nonlinear finite element analysis model for the static-dynamic coupling interaction system, the seismic response characteristics of the cast-in-place station structure without a sliding bearing have been analyzed and compared with those of the station structure with the sliding bearing fixed only at the top of the middle columns, and those of the station structure with sliding bearing be fixed between the mid-plate and the sidewall at the same time. The results show that the new isolation station structures suffer fewer earthquake damages at the mid-plate and mid-columns at the same time, which can improve the overall seismic performance of the subway station structure.  相似文献   
利用机器学习方法对地震活动大数据进行挖掘,识别出一些过去认识不到的异常,提高地震预测的准确性,是一个非常具有挑战性的科学问题.本文基于川滇部分地区(24°N—32°N,98°E—106°E)地震目录,采用滑动的时空窗口,选取16个反映地震时空强度分布特征的地震预测因子,建立了长短时记忆(LSTM)神经网络,对研究区域9个子区块未来一年的最大地震震级进行预测.通过设置训练集∶测试集=8∶2和训练集∶测试集=7∶3两个不同的训练测试模型,对过往发生的地震进行了回溯性预报.结果表明:训练集∶测试集=7∶3模型能够利用1970年1月至2004年9月的地震目录进行学习,成功回溯性预报2008年汶川地震;训练集∶测试集=8∶2模型利用1970年1月至2009年5月资料进行训练,回溯性预报2010—2019年间6级以上地震的R评分为0.407,回溯性7级地震预报时准确率高达92.31%.本文还探讨性给出预测意见:2022年2月前研究区西部、中部、东部、西南部存在发生5.1~5.3级地震的潜在危险性.  相似文献   
2022年1月8日1时45分青海省门源县发生MS6.9地震.本文基于青藏高原东北缘水平分辨率为0.3°的地震层析成像结果,获取了震源周边区域的地壳浅部构造信息,包括波速、泊松比以及估计的裂隙密度和饱和率的空间分布.结果表明:此次门源MS6.9地震发生在P波和S波波速剧烈变化的区域,靠近高速体的边缘.泊松比和饱和率同样都显示,门源MS6.9地震发生在高低值变化的过渡区.地震活动参数分析显示,震前冷龙岭断裂带的震源周边区域显示出了低b值、较低的a值和高a/b值的特征,与龙门山—岷山构造带强震之前的情况类似.裂隙密度在冷龙岭断裂两侧呈现出显著差异,北侧高于南侧,这可能是震后现场科考发现的断裂带地表破裂北侧高于南侧的构造成因.  相似文献   
A prototype electromagnetic vibrator, referred to here as E-Vib, was upgraded and developed for broadband hardrock and mineral exploration seismic surveys. We selected the iron oxide mine in Blötberget, central Sweden, for a test site in 2019 for the newly developed E-Vib because of the availability of earlier seismic datasets (from 2015 to 2016) for verification of its performance for hardrock imaging purposes. The two-dimensional data acquisition consisted of a fixed geometry with 550 receiver locations spaced at every 5 m, employing both cabled and wireless seismic recorders, along an approximately 2.7 km long profile. The E-Vib operated at every second receiver station (i.e. 10 m spacing) with a linear sweep of 2–180 Hz and with a peak force of 7 kN. The processing workflow took advantage of the broadband signal generated by the E-Vib in this challenging hardrock environment with varying ground conditions. The processed seismic section shows a set of reflections associated with the known iron oxide mineralization and a major crosscutting reflection interpreted to be from a fault system likely to be crosscutting the mineralization. The broadband source data acquisition and subsequent processing helped to improve signal quality and resolution in comparison with the earlier workflows and data where a drophammer seismic source was used as the seismic source. These results suggest new possibilities for the E-Vib source for improved targeting in hardrock geological settings.  相似文献   
In recent years, surface-wave analysis method has been developed rapidly in many fields. Multichannel analysis of surface waves can provide near-surface one-dimensional shear-wave velocity profiles. Because linearized inversion of surface-wave dispersion curves relies heavily on the choice of the initial model, setting an inappropriate initial model can lead to poor inversion results, or even failure of inversion. However, it is difficult to establish a reasonable initial model without a priori information, which is unavailable in most cases. To cope with this problem, a multiscale linearized inversion method is proposed for surface-wave dispersion curves inversion. In contrast with the traditional single-scale linearized inversion, the key idea of the proposed multiscale surface-wave inversion method is the introduction of a merging and splitting process of layers. After every scale inversion, the merging and splitting operations automatically optimize the inversion model, making it gradually approach to a reasonable subsurface stratification. Multiscale surface-wave inversion method reduces the difficulty of establishing the initial model and has high computational efficiency. In addition, it has strong ability to identify high-velocity or low-velocity interlayers and thin layers, especially suited for the geological conditions with obvious stratification. In synthetic tests, the proposed method was compared with the single-scale surface-wave inversion and particle swarm optimization algorithm to demonstrate the effectiveness and practicability of multiscale surface-wave inversion method. We also applied the multiscale surface-wave inversion method to field seismic data acquired in Guizhou, China and Texas, USA. Borehole and crosshole test data were compared with the inversion results of field data to prove the reliability of the proposed method.  相似文献   
裴强  郭航  丁彧 《地震研究》2022,45(1):26-35
结构的连续性倒塌一直是土木工程领域关注的焦点,现阶段各个国家关于连续倒塌的规范在设计方法以及具体规定上均有所差异。回顾了抗连续倒塌研究的发展历史,梳理了国内外抗连续倒塌设计规范中的不同规定,对国内外抗连续倒塌规范的设计方法进行了归纳总结,比较了各国规范安全等级划分方式以及验算时荷载组合的异同,并对破坏发生范围的界定做了详细对比,为将来形成统一的规范提供一定参考。  相似文献   
采用带锚筋的锚板、腹板、端板以及加劲板作为连接件,能够通过干式连接方法将上下预制剪力墙构件连为整体。为研究该新型全装配式剪力墙的受力性能和抗震性能,设计了2个剪跨比为0.783的试件和1个相同剪跨比及配筋率的现浇整体墙体,并进行了低周往复拟静力试验,分析了该全装配式剪力墙的承载能力、刚度、延性性能和耗能能力等。研究结果表明:现浇整体墙体和全装配式剪力墙的破坏形式均为受剪破坏,全装配式剪力墙的极限位移角大于现浇整体墙体极限位移角,分别为1/77和1/133,轴压比为0.3时平均延性系数3.47,低于现浇整体墙体平均延性系数4.62;但该全装配式剪力墙具有较高的承载能力和耗能能力。型钢与剪力墙的锚筋需采用穿孔塞焊的形式连接,避免锚筋与锚板焊接的位置发生剪断的现象。  相似文献   
贾凌霄  马冰  王欢  于洋  徐佳佳  陈静  邢佳韵 《中国地质》2022,49(5):1427-1437
【研究目的】 由于氦气具有独特的物理特性,在科学研究、医学和高科技行业的用途越来越广泛。寻找更多的氦气资源,满足市场需求,是地质行业的责任。【研究方法】 按照统计分析原则,对全球氦气勘探成果与供需形势进行梳理、总结。【研究结果】 全球氦气资源分布极不均匀,主要氦气供应国为美国、卡塔尔、俄罗斯等。近期,许多公司开始在北美地区、俄罗斯、卡塔尔、坦桑尼亚等地开展氦气的勘探开发,其中北美部分地区的氦气资源位于富含氮气的储层中,具有广阔的开发前景,全球氦气勘探活动掀起新一轮热潮。【结论】 2021年全球氦市场出现供应缺口,当今全球氦气需求的增长开始转向亚洲和中东。建议高度重视氦气不可再生性和不可替代性,开展氦气资源潜力评价工程,勘查国内非烃类氦气矿床前景,加强国际合作,开展国内氦气储备地下空间评价与选址工作,增强中国的氦气储备能力。  相似文献   
接触模型的宏?细观参数标定是成功使用离散元方法的关键。在离散元的接触模型中线性接触模型与抗转线性接触模型均可用于模拟砂性土的力学行为,其中抗转线性接触模型在模拟密砂的剪胀性方面具备优势。采用抗转线性接触模型对室内密实砂土三轴试验进行了离散元模拟,验证了抗转线性接触模型的可靠性;进而系统分析了颗粒间摩擦系数、刚度比和抗转动系数等细观参数与砂土峰值内摩擦角、残余内摩擦角、峰值剪胀角等宏观参数的相关关系并进行了验证;揭示了偏应力作用下,细观参数对密实砂土试样内部剪切带宽度与倾角变化的影响规律,提出了考虑剪胀角的剪切带倾角经验公式。通过研究建立了抗转线性接触模型宏?细观参数的量化关系并给出了标定参数的具体流程图,提出了快速标定宏观参数的方法并应用实例进行了验证,为采用抗转线性接触模型精准模拟密实砂土的力学特性提供依据。  相似文献   
西太平洋暖池区是指位于热带西太平洋及印度洋东部海表温度常年在28 ℃以上的海域,是全球海表温度最高的深海区,构造环境与沉积环境复杂,沉积物中的生物组分含量差异较大,生物组分会对深海沉积物物理力学性质产生显著影响,但目前对沉积物中生物组分含量和沉积物物理力学性质之间的相关性关系尚不明确。本文对西太平洋暖池区核心部位的表层沉积物样品进行现场物理力学性质测试和室内涂片鉴定,研究深海表层沉积物的物理力学性质与生物组分之间的关系。结果表明:研究区表层沉积物含水率范围为61.1%~435.1%,天然密度范围为1.04~1.76 g/cm3,贯入阻力范围为0~100 kPa,十字板剪切强度范围为0~8.6 kPa,整体具有高含水率、低密度、低强度等典型的深海沉积物物理力学性质特点。西加洛林海脊、海山等CCD以浅的区域为钙质生物组分>50%的钙质沉积区;西加洛林海槽西南部及其周边的深水沟槽地区一般为硅质生物组分>50%的硅质沉积;西加洛林海盆内部则主要为黏土沉积区。随钙质生物组分减少和硅质生物组分增多,表层沉积物类型分别为钙质沉积物、黏土沉积物和硅质沉积物,天然含水率变高,天然密度、贯入阻力和十字板剪切强度降低,表明深海表层沉积物的物理力学性质与生物组分含量密切相关:贯入阻力、十字板剪切强度、天然密度与钙质生物组分含量呈正相关,与硅质生物组分含量呈负相关;而天然含水率正好相反,与钙质生物组分含量呈负相关,与硅质生物组分含量呈正相关。本文建立了深海沉积物中生物组分与物理力学性质之间的相关关系,提出了沉积物生物组分含量与物理力学性质之间的拟合公式,可以为深海沉积物工程性质的评价提供参考。  相似文献   
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